module Mail: sig end
Read the messages list from this pop box
val open_pop : string -> string -> string -> int
Read the messages list from this pop box
val read_pop : int -> int
Return the size of the next message in the pop box.
It raises End_of_file when the last message is read.
val close_pop : int -> unit
Closes a pop box
val message_subject : unit -> string
Get the subject line of the current message
val message_body : unit -> string
Get the body of the current message
val message_sender : unit -> string
Get the sender field of the current message
val message_date : unit -> float
Get the unix date of the current message
val message_header : unit -> string
Get the complete header fields of the current message
val message_save : unit -> string
Save the complete message to a temporary file
val message_remove : unit -> unit
Remove the current message from the pop-box
val open_message : string -> string -> string -> unit
Open a message with a subject
val message_write : string -> unit
Write text to the body of a message
val message_htmlwrite : Html.t -> unit
Write html contents to a message
val message_urgent : unit -> unit
Set the current message to urgen
val message_file : string -> string -> unit
Add a file
to the message with given mime-type
val close_message : unit -> unit
Complete and send the current message